Monday, February 18, 2008

Varying Viewpoints: Why did America Become a World Power?

One reason for America's venture into imperialism would have to be for power. The United States wanted to show other countries of the world that they were also a superpower in the world.
Another reason why America went into imperialism would be for protection. They'd be able to have military posts around the world and off the coast of the United States. They'd be able to fight in battles/wars without having to fight right near the mainland. That would keep the country and the people safe.
Yet another reason why they ventured into imperialism would have to be because of business and trading. By 1920, the United States was importing and exporting millions of dollars worth of goods. To keep this money flow coming in, they had to expand.
Power, protection, and business were just three reasons why the United States went the imperialistic route.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Varying Viewpoints: Was the West Really "Won?"

I agree with the New Western historians concerning who has a better argument about Turner's thesis. I agree with the statement that says the West was conquered, not just tamed. The whites that tried to expand out west conquered the Indians. They forced them onto reservations and tried to get them all to go along with white customs and values. They also tried to teach them English. The may have thought that they only "tamed" them, but really, they conquered them. I also agree with them when they said that the west is a unique part of the country.
(I'm not quite sure if those two points really had to do with the thesis presented by Turner, but they were two things that were talked about in the varying viewpoints section.)