Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Summary of Federalist Paper Number 10

Federalist Number 10 is about the fact that although the people may have just won their independence from Britain and from a monarchy, they still needed something to keep them in line. With their new found liberty, it was inevitable that factions would be formed. Liberty gives us freedom; freedom gives us right to our own opinion. There were factions that were formed and their effects needed to be controlled. This will eventually lead up to the formation of the House of Representatives and the US Senate.
This paper, because it was written in 1787, was very difficult to read, but even so, I was able to pull out important pieces of information from it. It was very wordy, but the main point was that we need a form of government. Without one, there will be craziness. Given an inch, people will take a mile, and if they weren't given any limits, chaos would be formed.