Sunday, October 21, 2007

Were the Founding Fathers Democratic Reformers?

Although both articles had good arguments, I believe that the "Yes" side had a better one. The "yes" side gave more reasons that I agreed with about how democratic the founding fathers were.
An example in the article was of the Great Compromise. That is a great example of democracy, I believe, because they wanted to appease both sides and they did that in doing the compromise. The Virginia, or large state, Plan, was in favor of having representation based on population. The New Jersey, or small state, Plan, was in favor of having representation being equal, no matter what size the state was. As a result of the two differing plans, the Fathers came up with the Great Compromise, which meant having a House of Representatives based on population and a U.S. Senate based on equality (each state would have two representatives). This seems, to me, to be an example of the founding fathers being democratic reformers.
The Founding Fathers created a Constitution that was democratic, and supported the nation's needs and still was agreeable in the views of the public. The Founding Fathers were democratic reformers.